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#! /bin/bash
# Author: Nils Gerstner
# Last revision: 30. December 2018
# Version: v1
# Description:
function _linux() {
# Put your Linux related code here
function _mac() {
# Put your Mac related code here
function _cmsg {
# Print colored messages
# _cmsg color "message"
case "$1" in
black) COLOR="\033[0;30m" ;;
white) COLOR="\033[1;37m" ;;
grey) COLOR="\033[1;30m" ;;
lgrey) COLOR="\033[0;37m" ;;
red) COLOR="\033[0;31m" ;;
lred) COLOR="\033[1;31m" ;;
green) COLOR="\033[0;32m" ;;
lgreen) COLOR="\033[1;32m" ;;
brown) COLOR="\033[0;33m" ;;
yelow) COLOR="\033[1;33m" ;;
blue) COLOR="\033[0;34m" ;;
lblue) COLOR="\033[1;34m" ;;
purple) COLOR="\033[0;35m" ;;
lpurple) COLOR="\033[1;35m" ;;
cyan) COLOR="\033[0;36m" ;;
lcyan) COLOR="\033[1;36m" ;;
nocolor) COLOR="\033[0m" ;;
printf "${COLOR}${2}\33[0m\n"
case "$(uname -s)" in
Linux*) _linux ;;
Darwin*) _mac ;;
*) _cmsg -red "Unknown System\nDo nothing!"