You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

158 lines
4.0 KiB

getDocumentMetadataHeader() {
local file="$1"
sed -e '/^[@]document[.]meta/,/^[@]end$/!d' "$file" | \
grep -ve "^[@]\(document[.]meta\|end\)" | \
grep -oe "\S.*$"
getDocumentMetadataValue() {
local file="$1"
local key="$2"
#Example header:
getDocumentMetadataHeader "$file" | grep -oP "(?<=${key}: ).*"
splitValuesByComma() {
local str="$1"
# Change comma (,) to whitespace and add under braces
local array=($(echo "${str}" | tr ',' ' '))
for value in "${array[@]}"; do
echo "$value"
NorgGetFilename() {
local file="$1"
getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'title'
NorgGetTags() {
local file="$1"
# getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'categories'| tr ',' ' '
local value="$(getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'categories'| tr ',' ' ')"
splitValuesByComma "${value}"
NorgGetAuthors() {
local file="$1"
# getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'authors'| tr ',' ' '
local value="$(getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'authors')"
splitValuesByComma "${value}"
NorgGetDescription() {
local file="$1"
getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'description'
NorgGetCreated() {
local file="$1"
#date --date="$(getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'created')" +"%s"
# date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" "$(getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'created')" "+%s"
date -d "$(getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'created')" "+%s"
NorgGetChanged() {
local file="$1"
date -r "${file}" "+%s"
NorgGetVersion() {
local file="$1"
getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'version'
#authors: nige
#categories: bash, ssh, script
#created: 2021-12-29
#version: 0.0.9
NorgGetDocumentBody() {
local file="$1"
local lines=$(( $(getDocumentMetadataHeader "$file" | wc -l) + 3 ))
tail -n +$lines "$file"
#authors: nige
#categories: bash, ssh, script
#created: 2021-12-29
#version: 0.0.9
#echo "TEST:"
#echo "Header:"
#echo " Filename: $(NorgGetFilename $1)"
#echo " Description: $(NorgGetDescription $1)"
#echo " Author: $(NorgGetAuthors $1)"
#echo " Tags: $(NorgGetTags $1)"
#echo " Create: $(NorgGetCreated $1)"
#echo " Changed: $(NorgGetChanged $1)"
#echo " Version: $(NorgGetVersion $1)"
#echo "Body: $(NorgGetDocumentBody $1)"
# filenameID="$(basename "$1" | xxd -p -u")"
filenameID="$(NorgGetFilename "$1" | sed "s/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/_/g")"
filename="$(basename "$1")"
case ${type^^} in
"SH" ) filetype="bash" ;;
"MD" | "MARKDOWN" ) filetype="markdown" ;;
"norg" ) filetype="neorg" ;;
* ) filetype="${type,,}" ;;
jq -n \
--arg id "${filenameID}" \
--arg filename "${filename}" \
--arg filetype "${filetype,,}" \
--arg description "$(NorgGetDescription "$1" )" \
--arg created "$(NorgGetCreated "$1")" \
--arg changed "$(NorgGetChanged "$1")" \
--arg version "$(NorgGetVersion "$1")" \
--arg authors "$(NorgGetAuthors "$1")" \
--arg tags "$(NorgGetTags "$1")" \
--arg headerlines "$(( $(getDocumentMetadataHeader "$1" | wc -l) + 2 ))" \
--arg refcount "$2" \
--arg body "$(NorgGetDocumentBody "$1")" \
'{ "id": $id,
"image": "",
"title": $filename,
"type": $filetype,
"description": $description,
"created": $created,
"changed": $changed,
"version": $version,
"authors": [],
"tags": [],
"headerlines": $headerlines,
"refcount": $refcount,
"body": $body }' > /tmp/tmpFile
while read -re value; do
jq --arg value "${value}" '.authors += [ $value ]' /tmp/tmpFile > /tmp/tmpFile2
mv /tmp/tmpFile2 /tmp/tmpFile
done <<< $(NorgGetAuthors $1)
while read -e value; do
jq --arg value "${value}" '.tags += [ $value ]' /tmp/tmpFile > /tmp/tmpFile2
mv /tmp/tmpFile2 /tmp/tmpFile
done <<< $(NorgGetTags $1)
jq --argjson var "$(< /tmp/tmpFile)" '. |= . + [$var]' <<< "[]"
#jq < /tmp/tmpFile
rm /tmp/tmpFile /tmp/tmpFile2 &>/dev/null