You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.6 KiB

getChanged() {
local file="$1"
date -r "${file}" "+%s"
getCreated() {
local d=$(basename $1 | grep -oe "^[0-9]\{12\}")
date -d "${d:0:4}-${d:4:2}-${d:6:2} ${d:8:2}:${d:10:2}" '+%s'
# date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" "${d:0:4}-${d:4:2}-${d:6:2} ${d:8:2}:${d:10:2}" '+%s'
#date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" "$(getDocumentMetadataValue "$1" 'created')" "+%s"
m2j --content $1 > /tmp/md.json
cat /tmp/md.json | jq '.[] + {"body": .content} | .body = .content | del(.content, .basename, .preview)' > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
jq --arg changed "$(getChanged $1)" '. += {"changed": $changed}' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
jq --arg image "" '. += {"image": $image}' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
jq --arg type "md" '. += {"type": $type}' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
jq --arg created "$(getCreated $1)" '. | .created = $created' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
# jq --arg id "$(echo -n "$(basename $1|xxd -p -u)"| sed "s/[.]/_/g")" '. += {"id": $id}' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
jq --arg id "$(echo -n "$(basename $1)"| sed "s/[.]/_/g")" '. += {"id": $id}' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
jq --arg title "$(basename $1)" '. += {"title": $title}' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
jq --arg refcount "$2" '. += {"refcount": $refcount}' < /tmp/md.json > /tmp/md2.json
mv /tmp/md2.json /tmp/md.json
jq '. | [.]' < /tmp/md.json